AutoCAD Map 3D
  • 09 Jan 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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AutoCAD Map 3D

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Article summary

These instructions apply to Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D 2013 or above, and describe how to load georeferenced MetroMap imagery using Web Map Service (WMS) or downloaded imagery from MetroMap.

Please note only AutoCAD Map or Civil 3D are able to connect to WMS providers. WMS connections are not possible in standard AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT. Standard AutoCAD packages as well as AutoCAD Plant 3D allow image import but not georeferencing.

The tutorial page includes the following sections:

Screen images shown below in these instructions are from AutoCAD Civil 3D 2020.

Setting up a WMS or WMTS Service

Rather than import a single image of a small area, our WMS and WMTS services allow AutoCAD to request the imagery directly from the MetroMap server in a variety of map projections.

Before you start

You will need one of the below URLs as well as an API key which can be provided to you by MetroMap Support:

WMTS (GDA94):{YOUR_API_KEY}/wmts/1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml
WMTS (GDA2020):{YOUR_API_KEY}/wmts/1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml

Setup Steps

Follow these steps to set up AutoCAD Civil 3D WMS/WMTS integration:

  1. Move your cursor into the Drawing area or click the Command ribbon, type in MAPWSPACE, then press Enter on the keyboard.

  2. Select On on the follow up menu.

  3. The Display Manager should show up afterwards, click Data button.

  4. Click Connect to Data...

  5. The DATA CONNECT window should show up,

    • choose Add WMS Connection or Add WMTS Connection on the left side
    • Then enter MetroMap as Connection name
    • In the Server name or URL field, enter the MetroMap WMS or WMTS URL (provided at the start of the guide) with your API key inserted to replace '{YOUR_API_KEY}'.
    • For WMS, select 1.3.0 as Version then select Connect. WMTS only requires selecting Connect.
  6. With the Username and Password insert prompt, leave it blank and select login as the API key used in the previous step is the necessary authentication.

  7. Our server provides a variety of imagery layers, choose your preferred one in the list, then click Add to Map.

  8. The imagery layer should show up in the Drawing Area. Higher resolution imagery is served on demand as you zoom and pan.

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Setting up a Coordinate System

  1. Back in the Command ribbon or in theDrawing Area, type in MAPCSASSIGN, then press Enter.

  2. In the Coordinate System - Assign window,

    • search your preferred Coordinate System;
      WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator EPSG:3857 was used in this particular example.

    At the time of this document's creation, MetroMap is able to deliver the following Coordinate Reference Systems through WMS service:

    • EPSG:4283
    • EPSG:4326
    • EPSG:3857
    • EPSG:28349
    • EPSG:28350
    • EPSG:28351
    • EPSG:28352
    • EPSG:28353
    • EPSG:28354
    • EPSG:28355
    • EPSG:28356
    • EPSG:7844
    • EPSG:7849
    • EPSG:7850
    • EPSG:7851
    • EPSG:7852
    • EPSG:7853
    • EPSG:7854
    • EPSG:7855
    • EPSG:7856
    • EPSG:3107
    • EPSG:8059
    • Then click Assign.

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Loading Georeferenced Images

If you have used the Clip It! or Download Image tool from the MetroMap website and you want to project this image onto Autodesk® AutoCAD® Map 3D, the following steps will help you through.

Note: Please be sure to download the image with the georeferenced option selected. Also, AutoCAD will not detect the .jgw georeferencing file if the file path is greater than 128 characters.

Step 1 - Locate Your Files

  1. Locate your downloaded file.
  2. You should find a zip file containing a MetroMap image and .jgw file with the same filename.
  3. Unzip the file.
  4. Check if:
    • The path to the .jgw file, including its filename, is under 128 characters long.
    • The .jpg and .jgw filenames are identical, except for their extensions.

Please note that our MetroMap system provides various projection systems.
For more introduction about these projection systems, please refer to Clip It!.

Step 2 - Import the File to AutoCAD Map 3D

  1. Click the Home tab and select Connect to open the Data Connections window.

  2. From the list of Data Connections by Provider on the left, select Add Raster Image or Surface Connection.

  3. Give any simple name for the Connection name then select the .jpg that you previously unzipped.

  4. Click Connect.

  5. Click Edit Coordinate Systems.

  6. click to highlight the spatial context, then click Edit.

  7. In the Search box, enter the EPSG code you prefered for the projection.

    EPSG 3857 was used in this particular example.

  8. Click Select, then click OK.

  9. Click Add to Map. Once your image displays, you can close/collapse the Data Connections window.

Step 3 - Reproject your AutoCAD Map 3D Project

After this step you can reproject your AutoCAD Map 3D Project to a coordinate reference system appropriate for your local area.

  1. Click the Map Setup tab.

  2. Click the Assign button.

  3. Search for an appropriate local coordinate reference system, and select it.

    For Australia, projections based on GDA94 are good options


  4. Click Assign.

    Your image will probably rotate slightly, indicating that it has been reprojected into your chosen coordinate reference system.

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