• 14 Mar 2025
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Article summary

WMS Integration

Metromap WMS integration allows users utilise GIS and CAD applications to load high-resolution imagery on demand.

To consume MetroMap imagery via WMS, you need to sign up for a subscription plan which includes our API service. Then you should receive an API key in your Metromap Account Details email.

For more subscription information, please refer to MetroMap official website.

WMS Requests

To display MetroMap imagery, you will need to tell your GIS or CAD package to load a MetroMap layer in a coordinate reference system that our WMS server supplies it in. This is specified in our layer capabilities file, readable by WMS-enabled software packages, and located at:

Click to see previous version

WMS Supported Projections

WMS supports multiple projections with 7-Parameter transformations. MetroMap has always supported all GDA94 and GDA2020 MGA Zones (plus others), we are now extending this to include other recognised and frequently used projection systems.

By popular request we have started offering GDA94 / SA Lambert. If you are a MetroMap Enterprise Subscriber, and you would like us to offer other EPSG Codes, please reach out to MetroMap Support

WMS Folder Structure

WMS supports managing large volumes of data layers by enabling a folder structure. The new MetroMap WMS will structure all our historic imagery layers by State, then Year to help users navigate through our growing list of data going back to 1943 in some locations.

The new WMS folder structure

WMS Version Support

Geographic Coordinate Systems specified with the EPSG namespace are defined to have an axis ordering of longitude/latitude

In the GetMap operation, the spatial reference system (SRS) parameter is called srs (examples below)

Geographic Coordinate Systems specified with the EPSG namespace are defined to have an axis ordering of latitude/longitude

In the GetMap operation, the spatial reference system (SRS) parameter is called crs (examples below)

Axis Ordering

1.1.1 always uses longitude/latitude (east/north) axis ordering

1.3.0 specification mandates using the axis ordering as defined in the EPSG database. For instance, for EPSG:4326 the axis ordering is latitude/longitude (north/east). But most spatial data is usually in longitude/latitude, or east/north


1.1.1 ...VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&SRS=epsg:4326&BBOX=-180,-90,180,90...

1.3.0 ...VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&CRS=epsg:4326&BBOX=-90,-180,90,180...

Get imagery

Please be aware of the version's difference (bounding box, query parameter differences), and if PNG format is requested, the TRANSPARENT parameter needs to be set to true if the transparent channel is expected in the image and some parameters are not mandatory in the URL in order to get the image (see table at the end of the section)


/ogc/key/{API-KEY}/service?LAYERS={LAYER}&FORMAT=image/{image format}&SRS=EPSG:{EPSG CODE}&EXCEPTIONS=application%2Fvnd.ogc.se_inimage&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION={version}&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&BBOX={Bounding Box}&WIDTH={Width}&HEIGHT={Height}


/ogc/key/{API-KEY}/service?LAYERS={LAYER}&FORMAT=image/{image format}&SRS=EPSG:{EPSG CODE}&EXCEPTIONS=application%2Fvnd.ogc.se_inimage&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION={version}&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&BBOX={Bounding Box}&WIDTH={Width}&HEIGHT={Height}


With system default parameters:


With only mandatory parameters:


With system default parameters:


With only mandatory parameters:


Standard Parameters:

serviceYesService name. Value is WMS.
versionYesService version. Value is one of 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.3.0.
requestYesOperation name. Value is GetMap.
layersYesLayers to display on map. Value is a comma-separated list of layer names.
stylesYesStyles in which layers are to be rendered. Value is a comma-separated list of style names, or empty if default styling is required. Style names may be empty in the list, to use default layer styling.
srs or crsYesSpatial Reference System for map output. Value is in form EPSG:nnn. crs is the parameter key used in WMS 1.3.0.
bboxYesBounding box for map extent. Value is minx,miny,maxx,maxy in units of the SRS.
widthYesWidth of map output, in pixels.
heightYesHeight of map output, in pixels.
formatYesFormat for the map output. See WMS output formats for supported values.
transparentNoWhether the map background should be transparent. Values are true or false. Default is false.
bgcolorNoBackground color for the map image. Value is in the form RRGGBB. Default is FFFFFF (white).
exceptionsNoFormat in which to report exceptions. Default value is application/vnd.ogc.se_xml.
sldNoA URL referencing a StyledLayerDescriptor XML file which controls or enhances map layers and styling.
sld_bodyNoA URL-encoded StyledLayerDescriptor XML document which controls or enhances map layers and styling.
Click here to learn more about customising the WMS URL

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